
Today I finished the self paced Flutter Bootcamp by Angela Yu at London App Brewery. I spent around two weeks to complete it and now have knowledge of making mobile apps for iOS and Android deveices.

Bootcamp Contents

There was quite a lot to do during the Bootcamp, I learned a lot about styling mobile apps, and communicating with third party apis along with a Firebase database. I throughly enjoyed every moment of it and it felt so bittersweet when it ended. Luckily, I have ideas for how to build on the bootcamp contents to dig deeper.

London App Brewery Flutter Bootcamp Coursework

Flutter Apps Built

Here are a list of applications I built as part of the bootcamp, along with Bonuses (I came up with) or Exercises(they came up with) left for the learner. Each application is numbered based on the Course Video Series for notekeeping purposes and refference.

2. I am rich

A novelty application that is based on a $999.99 App that displays a diamond in the center.

  • Environment Setup
  • Add App Icon
  • Deployment lesson for iOS and Android
  • Exercise: I am Poor, do the same thing but with a different image

3. Mi Card

App that displays my Business Card.

  • Widget Tree
  • Importing Images
  • Bonus: Add links that calls or emails when tapping the icons.

4. Dicee

Simple app that rolls two 6 sided dice

  • Importing Images
  • Expanded to resize widgets with respect to the page itself
  • Exercise: Magic 8 ball, replace each dice image with an 8 ball image with text.
  • Bonus: Extend the app so the user may choose how many Dice to roll

5. Xylophone

Music app that plays xylophone tiles

  • Adding color to Container
  • Importing Assets and Plugins
  • Play sound via mic on device (Device Permissions)
  • Bonus: Add UI and Sound files for Pitch for Treble, Bass, Alto, and Tenor Clefs

6. Quizzler

Quiz app to keep track of score

  • Classes and OOP, File Layout outside of main.dart
  • Exercise: Add Popup for End of Quiz and Save Results.
  • Bonus: Choose your own Adventure Game following a tree structure, represented as a list.

7. BMI Calculator

Calculator that takes in height and weight to check health

  • Multiple Screens with Navigator and Context
  • Flutter Customization of Widgets from Scratch
  • Flutter Customization of Plugins using copyWith()

8. WeatherApp

App that gets the current weather of current and other locations.

  • Verify API key privledges
  • Setup asyncrnous calls to fetch data
  • Filter through data and conditionaly display UI

9. BitCoinTracker

App that displays the market price of currency to crypto

  • Develop Widgets based on Platform or System (iOS, Android etc…)
  • Exercise: Add functionality to get BTC values from Bitcoinaverage API
  • Bonus: Add support for list of other crytocurrencies

10. LightningChat

The big “graduation” project that uses everything learned and then some more. Develop a chat app for multiple users/clients in real-time!

  • Hero Widgets/Flutter Animations!
  • Screen Essential Organization
  • Mixins (Multiple Inhertance with overides)
  • Connect with Firebase on Google Cloud Platform
  • Read/Write to collections in firebase
  • Manage Firestore security rules and third party authenthication methods
  • Login and Register UI/UX using Firebase Auth
  • Data Streams and Screenshots to persist and update message/chat data in real-time.
  • UI/UX for display and chat widgets using terinary operations.
  • Bonus: Push notifications when a message is sent.

Next Project

Out of the exercises and bonuses I want to do, I’ll rate them in batches following a subset of planning poker similar to Patently Stupid in Jackbox. As I’ve found from working its the best way to organize projects while keeping up motivations and morale.


  1. BitCoinTracker
  2. Mi Card
  3. Quizzler
  4. Dicee


  1. BitCoinTracker
  2. Mi Card
  3. Lightning Chat
  4. Dicee


My next project will be to finish off the Bitcoin Currency App and Mi Card. Using the knowledge of System I/O from Mi Card I should be able to add local notifications, then I will work on the Quizzler exercise and Dicee App.