Be real, Nathaniel's Spiel

Welcome to my blog, a place where I go to organize my thoughts and recharge my energy as an introvert.

Here I share topics related to my personality, values, and passion, alongside 100% true memoirs. I try to cover topics relevant to my goals, experience, and any blog updates. To learn more about the inspiration for the topics in this blog, visit here.

If you’re looking for information on my professional career, read about my projects or Medium articles.

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Blog Composition

Mar 25, 2024

Today I spent time reading through my blog posts, structure, which didn’t feel like a spiel as the blog name entails. Therefore, I decided today I’d rename the blog with...

Niche Writer

Aug 2, 2023

In my last post, I wrote about how Technical Writing has evolved as technology progressed. I briefly touched on the history to focus on the resume, but want to add...

Why I became a technical writer

May 17, 2023

Story of how I became a technical writer, and future growth plans. Why did I switch to Technical Writing? I’ve been asked this in nearly every interview, but never had...

Chronological posts

Blog Tags

Apr 2, 2024

This month, I started working on a large-scale project to pass the time and practice what I learned from work, instructional course design. I also decided I wanted to revamp...

Website Footer Redesign

Feb 16, 2024

Another new year brings a ton of new innovation, especially in the realm of AI. Found a new cool AI tool called Locofy, so I’m trying it out to redo...

Resume Update

Jul 31, 2023

I’m on the job search grind and I haven’t heard back from recruiters in Technical Writing. I got my resume in front of some SDE roles as a backup, but...

Post Amazon Plans

Jul 7, 2023

My time at Amazon is a valuable experience that I cherish greatly. As my contract reached it’s peak limit of 11 months, I had prepared to say goodbye to my...


May 26, 2023

Roadmap towards developing an intelligence to answer questions and direct users in this blog to improve search and understanding of myself. I call her, AI-Me (Amy), a robotic sister and...

New Job, New Look

May 23, 2023

Progress on blog updates, I’ve been working on cleaner, reliable, and reuseable content as I work to develop principles for what I want my portfolio to be. My Motivation My...

Revisiting My Blog

Feb 22, 2023

Blog updates in forever. Since a year, a lot has changed in my life and my drive to continue blogging. Why I stopped Many reasons factored into why I stopped...

A time for friends

Nov 13, 2021

November approaches Thanksgiving, and I’m thankful for many things. This week I’ll write about how I’m thankful for friends. School Friends I was the quiet one at school, so I...

AirBnB Adventure

Oct 24, 2021

Thoughts on the Hybrid remote workplace. Growing up from adulthood, and work-life integration. Growing up is not so tough This week’s topic is on company led community and personal growth....

A new brand

Oct 24, 2021

Set goals high, if you hit your goals they’re simply too weak. Improving as a writer I read the book “Insanely Simple” and it inspired me to improve on my...

First month of writing

Sep 30, 2021

The month was brutal but rewarding and fun. I got the meet the team in person and we hit it off pretty well. The future looks bright as “we ride...

First week of writing

Sep 11, 2021

The week went by pretty quickly. I realize I need to take better care of my health. It started Friday and I had stomache pains, some possibilities would be the...

First day

Sep 8, 2021

Today marks my first day at Mage. I spent time back to back onboarding and wrote a huge todo list. I officially work from 10 am - 7 pm, but...

Full Time Writer

Aug 31, 2021

I’m excited to given an offer to be a technical writer. I love working with them based on the atmosphere, company virtues, and staff members I’ve met. They gave off...

Picking the right picture

Aug 30, 2021

These couple weeks there’s been a whole lot more site traction. I thank all the visitors who have been here. I’m glad and appreciate all the support you’ve given me!...

Writing an Article

Aug 25, 2021

I finished writing an article on Regression metrics in ML today. Its target audience is towards the general public, with no background in college level math, coding, or AI required...

A Trial Writer

Aug 23, 2021

A company reached out to me on Friday about working not as a Frontend Engineer but as a Technical Writer. I love the company, and I see promise in what...


Aug 20, 2021

Today I declined an offer at a company. It was an equity compensation offer, which I’m open to but the short story is that it has too much risk for...

Frontend Interview

Aug 18, 2021

During an interview at a company I admire, I was a nervous wreck. This week we started roofing replacing the gutter, sides, and everything in the house. It was loud...

World Festival 2021

Aug 17, 2021

Today was the first day of the WorldFestival 2021, I attended the booth for Scaling a Tech Startup on a Budget, by Selby Cary and Bhairav Patel. Focus on Goals...

blog qol

Aug 16, 2021

I’ve been gradually making visual updates, and today I just finished improvements of the layout and navigation of the blog posts! I’m excited to have a button that gives a...

Open AI Codex Challenge

Aug 13, 2021

Today I completed the Open AI Codex Challenge! It was super fun and it changed the way I think as a developer. Codex is very hit or miss depending on...

Cold calls

Aug 13, 2021

Job searching is rough. As an introvert seeking a full-time job since the start of covid I needed to stand out more in order to make up for experience. Today...


Aug 11, 2021

I finally set up the groundwork for a blog. It was not as easy as I thought it would be as I got distracted by many additional features. I had...

OpenAI Codex

Aug 10, 2021

Today marks the release of Open AI’s new product, Codex. Its a brilliant piece of software that greatly reduces the overhead of “boring code”. I applied for a beta key...


Aug 9, 2021

Today I rewrote my LinkedIn following the tutorial for Veterans. I’m not a veteran, but the video is very helpful for deciding how an introvert like me can try to...


Aug 6, 2021

Today I finished the self paced Flutter Bootcamp by Angela Yu at London App Brewery. I spent around two weeks to complete it and now have knowledge of making mobile...

Farewell RREES Labs

Jul 30, 2021

Today marks my final day at RREES Labs. I’ve been at the Lab for 20 months, which is almost 2 years now. During my time there I was able to...

Personality Part Two

Jul 27, 2021

Yesterday, I took the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator personality test and got a strange result. I ended as an INTP-T, but with a 1% border between being an INTJ and INTP....

Personality Part One

Jul 27, 2021

Today I took the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator personality test and got a strange result. I ended as an INTP-T, but with a 1% border between being an INTP and INTJ....

Work History

Jul 26, 2021

As I search for more opportunities, I’ve found that it may help if I start creating a small blog about my relevant skills and experience. Below is a timeline of...

Welcome to Jekyll!

Apr 4, 2021

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways,...