Writing an Article

I finished writing an article on Regression metrics in ML today. Its target audience is towards the general public, with no background in college level math, coding, or AI required to enjoy the article. Throughout the process of writing many drafts I was blessed to have many wonderful editors to peer review it by catching errors and clarifying confusing points. While I was writing and looking at other articles for reference I realized how important imagery is.

Style of Writing

While writing the article, I learned more about how I write subconsicously. Those small details I don’t realize when I proofread my own writing, since I gloss over it mentaly.

Most Common Writing Mistakes

  • Run on sentences
  • Commas
  • Fluff

Common Prose

  • I use “a lot” of leading commas, “and”, and I tend to avoid contrations for it is v.s its
  • I type out numbers (1-10) as one through
  • I put a lot of emotion through wordy specifics
  • I capitalize all non-prepositions in a title

Why I do this

  • During my writing I like to do a memory dump, typing what comes to mind word for word.
  • I’ve been docked many points from the numbers thing and trained to write small numbers out with letters and larger values with numerics.
  • I am wordly because it assigns more value through descriptions to tell a story, “I type like this” vs “I usually type like this”

The first step to improving how I write is by understanding how I write.

How I want to write

  • Short, simple, concise
  • Educative, engaging, about interesting topics
  • Imaginative with interpretable images

Link to Article I wrote