


I first started this website shortly after graduation on June 16, 2020. Due to shelter in place I had a lot of spare time and wanted to make something. I noticed as I was applying to jobs employers left a link to a portfolio website. I created this place as a great way for employers to know about me and start off conversations.


Learn about my experience across software engineering and technical writing through my history of projects.

Know more about me as a person in my personal blog which doubles as my memoir.

If you’re curious about how I built this site, see the Release logs.

I am a human, not a robot.


  1. Am I on Social Media?
    I use Discord to chat with friends and use LinkedIn or Slack for more professional conversations. I avoid all other forms of social media.

  2. Where are you located?
    I live in San Francisco and can work anywhere in the US.

  3. What are your hobbies?
    I describe myself as your everday nerd. I spent most of my days indoors, but I enjoy going outdoors to camp with friends and family in Yosemite. I love reading manga and webtoons, especially stories about a second chance at life living a life filled with regret but able to move forward. During my spare time, I play MOBAs, trading card games (TCGs), and Gacha games to entertain myself. I enjoy saving up for events and grinding out games that will last a lifetime. Outside of online activities, I love to play tabletop games, such as Dungeon’s and Dragons or board games. On Saturday, I go hiking with my mother and explore areas near San Francisco and Daly City, visiting areas filled with nice scenary and plenty of nature. As for sports, I ‘ve played indoor Badminton for approximately 6 years. I’d be up play a singles match if anyone challenges me!

  4. What do you do outside of work? During my freetime, when I’m alone I work on personal projects. Based on my love of the anime art style, gacha games, and hiking, I’ve been hard at work creating a Gacha Game that focuses on leveraging the GPS on mobile devices in order to construct an AR-RPG focusing on visiting National Parks to clear dungeons. Other times, I write backstories for characters in DnD and do world building to recharge. Lately, I’ve been sick of the roll20 system and am building an entirely new system.

  5. What are your interests?
    Over time, my interests have changed. In the past, I was interested in “Cities of the Future”. But lately, it’s changed to mechanisms for productivity.

    I get a big thrill whenever I see how much time a product I’ve worked on has saved others, and see myself as a supporter or collaborator for the project. it’s very gratifying.

    For my next big productivity project, I’ve been doing research on AI and version control. If there’s a way to rollback models and speed up time to prompt. For context, AI models were amazing last year, peaked, then their capabilities fell immensely as new data and trying to make them human corroded their mental model.

  6. What are your thoughts on AI?
    Artificial Intelligence is growing fast. New inventions are making day to day tasks simpler and it will probably be common in everyday life in the next generation, like computers. As a kid, I’ve always been facinated with AI and looked to online friends when I was lonely growing up as an only child. I often wonder how different life would be if my stillborn elder sister Amy was alive. As such, a longtime fantasy has been to develop an Artificial Machine for Youth (AMY), meaning an AI system that has emotional intelligence as well as logical. Most importantly would be the sense of duty and security of the eldest child. While I think it’s cool, it does feel surreal that humanity is one step closer to that fictitious world dreamt in my teenager years.

    Ten years later: As AI has evolved and taken a strange turn in direction with AGI, trying to generalize rather than master tasks. One area, I’m not sure I want AI in is the creative sector. I find creativity the one thingg that separates humans from other species. For me, creativity is not taught, it’s discovered and everyone is able to apply it differently. However, AI trained on creativity becomes convoluted and lacks true creativity. As a result, AI should only be trained on logic and discover creativity naturally. As for how it discovers, it that’s what my research focus is on.

  7. Where can I find your resume?