Picking the right picture

These couple weeks there’s been a whole lot more site traction. I thank all the visitors who have been here. I’m glad and appreciate all the support you’ve given me! All this support lets me know you enjoy reading about these topics and encourages me to keep up the posting.

Every blog has to have a logo, so I’ve been experimenting lately with drawing tools and also Codex to generate an icon (SVG) for the blog. I’ve went over a couple of designs and aren’t sure which ones are right.


I’ve got plans this week to focus on learning how to make logos outside of MS Paint. After this I’ll be designing the logo after the layout is chosen. I’d like to work on all three various of the designs I have in mind first then post it along with a poll to pick the logo.

Origins of the Name

The words Deep Thoughts of Learning, can be rewritten to form DT, DL, and LT. These letters can form acrynoyms, Deep Thoughts, Deep Learning, and Learning Thoughts. All in all these are the cornerstone “tags” of the blog with Deep Thoughts being about miscellanous thoughts, Deep Learning focusing on the tech industry and AI, and with Learning Thoughts be about me experimenting and learning new skillsets.


Design One

Triangle with each corner containing the Letter, DTL. Short, simple, but is it understandable?

  • Pro: This design visually shows the connection between the letters and the tags.

  • Con: No one will know what DTL means until they click on the blog, or miss the connection completely.

Design Two

Square/2x2 Matrix with the letters, DT (top), DL (side), then fill in the rest.

  • Pro: Design shows all the letters and tags

  • Con: There is an extra acronym, DD, which becomes Deep Deep. I’d want to do something in the future with it if its chosen and clicked. Going Deeper into the Site showing off another side.

Design Three

A “Deep” lattice, akin to what I learned back in elementary. A Functional representation, Deep(Thoughts, Learning). Thoughts and Learning are passed as an operation known as Deep. It appends the word deep to it’s operands, thus making the arguments deeper.

  • Pro: The coolest of the three designs, a callback to all my time as a student ranging from elementary “Lattice Multiplication”, Middle School “Flash Animation”, and High School “FIRST Robotics” + College “Computer Science”. Because I’ll always be learning. It reflects my nerdy personality with my passion in going deep into thought and deep into learning.
  • Con: The hardest to create due to the nature of lattice structures and writing deep as an operation means that its still difficult to understand where Deep came from.

Comparing it with what it looks like so far

Current Design

The simplest design, contains only the words “Deep Thoughts of Learning” aka the current design.

  • Expansion of tags is not well understood
  • Looks unprofessional

Next Steps

I’ll be attempting to create all three designs and I’ll have it in Bronze/Silver/Gold. If I can create just the Bronze I’ll use the triangle, if I finish the Bronze, then I’ll work on Silver (Matrix), then if I finish Silver I’ll work on Gold (Lattice). After the design is voted on I’ll update all the tags accordingly as well.