Full Time Writer

I’m excited to given an offer to be a technical writer. I love working with them based on the atmosphere, company virtues, and staff members I’ve met. They gave off this family vibe of being very approachable to ask questions and peer review. I know I’ll be growing a lot and working hard to make them proud!


As a full time writer I need to write down some goals and compliments to improve my skills.

  • Read more. It’s basic but crutial to improving grammar, comprehension, and vocabulary.
  • Practice condensing down topics. I don’t do this quite enough in my blogs as it can get very wordy and long. I’ve noticed from the trial writing that its sometimes better to link to another article to avoid confusion.
  • Avoid using “and” to connect two ideas unless absolutely necessary.


I don’t know what I’ll be doing as part of the onboarding but I know it will be similar to how I did for the trial but with more rigourous expectations and speak with more workers of the team. To get started, I do want to be able to freshen up my Medium page. Specifically, get a photo that represents me instead of the initials. Then I’ll join their official slack and upgrade the account for work organizations. I haven’t heard back about what kind of topic I’ll be working on, but I hope it will be related to the 41 models that AI is trained on. Otherwise, I don’t mind writing more about AI topics to familiarize myself more before a larger project.