First day

Today marks my first day at Mage. I spent time back to back onboarding and wrote a huge todo list. I officially work from 10 am - 7 pm, but I am used to waking up early at 7 or 8 am, then start work at 8:30 am. As part of onboarding, I reviewed the company culture, mission, virtues, growth, and development stuff. Under the NDA, I cannot say too much about the tasks themselves, but I downloaded a lot more applications for the tech stack and began throwing around topics for my next article and looked for places I can help around with.

Seeing is believing

I saw the work culture in action today while reviewing company documents and learning about how truly customer focused they were through the feedback of investors and tools to determine the raw numbers. I’m glad to be a part of the culture, and will sharpen myself to develop articles that may address the customer’s needs. I’m going to be writing a tutorial series for product developers, that understand how to code, import packages, but have never used AI learning tools.

Mistakes at work

I had almost missed a comapny meeting today. I had finish the onboarding and was about to get lunch at 5:00. I then recieved a text about if I had the calendar invite to a meeting, and hopped back on. I felt the true feel of a “real” work environment, face paced with no time to waste. I grabbed a bag of chips and ate it quickly so I wouldn’t be hangry during the video meeting. I had ended the day with a huge headache due to not being hydrated, I was so busy I forgot to eat and drink. I’ll need to work on self care and maintain my health during work. Luckily, it seems to be a one-off due to Mondays having lots of meetings, and onboarding being done all in a day.


After experiencing the Silicon Valley Hustle and Bustle startup culture, I don’t want to betray expectations and have decided to change the blog updates and posting schedule. It may slow down as I begin to research more and more to deliver quality articles in a swift time as part of my technical writer role. I expect it to be temporary as I get better at writing and expect to slow it down to 1-2 updates a week.