Cold calls

Job searching is rough. As an introvert seeking a full-time job since the start of covid I needed to stand out more in order to make up for experience. Today I wrote my first cold call message on LinkedIn. I’ve been passively seeking since I had work so I could tell myself I’m too busy, but now I realize I won’t be able to survive if I don’t “Step Up”.

Cold Calls

A cold call is when you contact someone without any relation, connection, or prior knowledge. This makes it extremely difficult, but its a must-have skill for networking and required in any workplace.

Tips (R.E.A.C.H)

By reflecting on today’s Cold Call, I created this method to help me reach out.

1. Reason

It all starts from a reason why you’re sending a cold call, whether to land a job or ask for a referal. Have a plan in mind and do research on the company’s industry and the person’s role.

2. Emotion

Cold calls are sacred in that they are the first impression, don’t be a robot and copy pasta. Tailor each one by keeping it special and memorable.

3. Action

Personally, I’m data driven so its good to establish mutual facts such as how you can benefit the company or why you relate to the position. Talk about relevant past projects or interests.

4. Calm

If it doesn’t work out, its not your fault. Maybe they are too busy or there’s no fit. Avoid worrying, keep trying, but don’t spam. They are humans too with schedules and dozens of people trying to contact them.

5. Honesty

Be your genuine self. Don’t fake interest or lie about what you know. It will show up when you interview and no one likes to work with a fraud.