Personality Part Two

Yesterday, I took the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator personality test and got a strange result. I ended as an INTP-T, but with a 1% border between being an INTJ and INTP. Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging/Prospecting. I looked into it more and INTP is a Logician which I wrote more about back in part one.

But what does this mean?

Today I’m going to look at part two, and how an INTJ-T assesment wouldn’t be far off either. INTJ is best known as The Architect, which I can also kind of relate to. Off the bat, when I think of this, I recall my enjoyment of world building, devising backup backup schedules, and pioneering new technologies.

Notable INTJ-T

Gatsby, a character in the Novel Great Gatsby was someone who I felt deeply connected to when I read it in Highschool and Middle School. He isn’t extroverted as he would throw parties filled with people but never show his face. Kind of sad, but relatable as I went to social occasions filled with many but would hang out with the 1-2 that were close to me. Sometimes this would just be my parents. Growing up as an only child was tough.

How I feel I fit the bill

“In school, people with this personality type may have been called bookworms or nerds. But rather than taking these labels as insults, many Architects embrace them. They are confident in their ability to teach themselves about – and master – any topic that interests them, whether that’s coding or capoeira or classical music.” While studying, I remember having to code from scratch a RISC-V Pipeline in C. In other words, a machine language (ISA) translator. There was nothing in the textbook as it was all theory, and I accomplished it by reading through a user manual and decode what each register shift did and how to perform it in C. I really went from knowing nothing to ptsd from creating the monstrosity. It wasn’t hard through just tedious and time consuming which made balancing other courses even harder.

Architect Traits: A Double Edged Sword

“This personality type is full of contradictions. Architects are imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, and curious yet focused.” Not be confused with hypocritical, I use my imagination to create ideas and then commit to them. I rarely will go out of my way to seek for others and share the idea unless I feel that we share the same spark. Notoriously, anything that catches my attention gains my undivided attention, for this reason I am eager to learn more and delve deep, as others may call it “I’m in the zone”. On the other hand, this backfires as it makes me unable to multi-task efficiently and have delayed response times if not focused. I do not have ADHD as I can positively control my thoughts freely and use it to recharge my physical/mental state, ambitions, and motivations.


Similarly, the architects’ problem solving method is through continuous improvement, so this time soaking up all the knowledge (Google) in other to advance my dreams and goals in my bucket list. Consequently, the -T means I’m more approachable than a -A counterpart but have a tedency to be more spontaneous. A great way to break down my introverted barrier is to play games, it adds imvolvement of both parties, especially strategy games where we work together! For this reason I’ve been working on developing a mobile game to motivate introverts outside and meet up with those Discord friends irl.


Looking at the two personalities juxstaposted, I could go either or. I gather that a large majority of my personality is based on my hobbies and friend group. Architects are not as clear cut as a logician, and me being in the middle of both makes me lean closer to a hybrid of some sorts. For starters is my problem solving approach where I like to outline my goal, followed by seeking the building blocks, then putting the blocks in. I always seek to reuse blocks and itterate over to upgrade the blocks to be more strudy or flexible. As for my hobbies, world building has been a integral part from my childhood since playing with toys to now where I outline and generate non-linear DnD campaigns.