A new brand

Set goals high, if you hit your goals they’re simply too weak.

Improving as a writer

I read the book “Insanely Simple” and it inspired me to improve on my personal brand. In it, I learned about design, for the workplace and for this blog. It got me to rethink my old blog title and logo design, because it’s just “Not Insanely Simple”. “Deep Thoughts of Learning” sounded great in my head, but that’s not enough to be a personal brand. Listening to the feedback of others on our company page opened my eyes to this. A blog needs to reflect the personal brand.

Better late than never

With all that being said, I didn’t expect to miss another two weeks. Here’s my new reasonable goal, once a week for the rest of this month! Updating on a weekend. All these changes led me to realize there’s no way to have a work life balance, and I don’t need it. I’m young, single, and creative. Coworker’s describe me as I tend to “go with the flow”, so my brand should reflects this.

New blog title

I spent a lot of time to think about what I love, what my company does, to come up with this brand that reflects my work life integration. I work at Mage, so what better acronym should I use than Mage.

Magical brand

One of the core fascets at work is to “deliver magical experiences”. Outside of work I do this through writing and through the gaming community. At the end of the day, I want to be an introverted entertainer. Bringing a smile to someone’s face while also delivering a memorable experience. I’ll accomplish this through my content and encounters and grow as I experience more and more. I’m a magical guy.


M, stands for Movies, because that’s a core part of who I am. I love watching movies especially with friends. For the sake of argument, I’m counting anything that’s not a TV series, so anime movies count.


A, stands for animation. These range from western cartoons, such as Ducktales, to more Eastern anime such as Dr. Stone. There’s a strong trend of my favorite shows being action, adventure, or family friendly.


G, stands for games. It’s been a core memory of my childhood and still is part of my adulthood. I could type a whole post about this… But, for now I’ll leave it as, videogames, boardgames, and make believe.


I, stands for intelligence. I wouldn’t be who I was without my statline of intelect. P.S. It’s high in logical, low in spatial and I’ll talk it in more in the future. It’s less about answering questions and more about exploring different forms of intelligence, such as logical, spatial, deductive, and even artificial.


C, stands for creation. I’m a huge fan of D&D, so this will be updates on characters, worldbuilding, and lore. On the technical side, this will be sneak peaks of side projects, such as Spleeter, Not Pokemon GO, and a little card game.


A, stands for adventure. This will be more about the real world, personal life. Like a trip to Disneyland, or an attempt to trek up the Half Dome.


L, stands for learning, the original focus of the blog. It started from be taking down notes and reflecting everyday I was unemployed to make memories. It’s long since grown into a personal blog where I define my personal brand.

Future content

The new “Magical” brand opens up the topics I can explore to a broader and more fun terms. With the new brand it shifts from professional or personal to both. Afterall, when you hire someone you’ll eventually learn about their personal side. I’ll be writing about movies, anime, games, stories, progress updates, and guides. See you next time!