AirBnB Adventure

Thoughts on the Hybrid remote workplace. Growing up from adulthood, and work-life integration.

Growing up is not so tough

This week’s topic is on company led community and personal growth. This November, I went on a business trip to our once a month AirBnB Meetup. It was a great feeling to meet our new recruits in person rather than over Zoom. We had super productive meetings and got to learn more about what each person’s role in the company is. Bonded over food and games as well.

Community Led Growth (CLG)

One of our company quotes is that “our role doesn’t define our responsibilities”. As a learner, I got to listen in on neat conversations and think about what our next step towards growth would be. I spent a solid 3 days on developing our community and laying a foundation for community-led growth. I got to explore Discord as a corporate community, but need to redesign it.

In-person productivity

As a writer, being able to get quick edits and brainstorms on designs are amazing. As a marketer, demoing Discord user flow live is cleaner. Outside of screentime, we ate together and enjoyed a variety of different asian food! I felt like onboarding non-technical, but just cultural aspects that align with core values became simpler and transparent.

Work-Life Integration

It’s a new topic that I thought of based on my experiences. I pitched it to a blog and they decided to let me write a piece about it. The AirBnB experiences have been great sources of inspiration. The ideal workplace for me is not about balancing, but integrating. The goal of a good management system is to reduce burnout and ensures no one will want to jump ship when times get tough. Integration puts work and life together as one so they cannot exist without the other.