blog qol

I’ve been gradually making visual updates, and today I just finished improvements of the layout and navigation of the blog posts! I’m excited to have a button that gives a glimpse of what’s next, but in order to do this I had to clean out the post content, particularly the titles. Jekyll Liquids are able to strip html, however they do not strip Markdown tags such as the # sign. That’s not good, seeing a bunch of #’s in a post preview can reduce readibility, so I had spent more time rewriting parts of the site.


I went to push (to test CI) and I noticed that I needed to setup a Github Personal Access Token. The tutorial was pretty straightforward for creation of an access token, but I had issues finding out where I could input the token. In the end, I found a post on SO that showed that I would need to repoint my origin from my prior username + password combination to the username + token combination. Then run git remote set-url origin

What’s Next

After completing the buttons to navigate past and present posts, I’d like to introduce tagging posts and filtering by tags. I’d love to add a comment section in the future too to start a discussion and get feedback on what you readers think. Albeit today’s post was a bit shorter, but I’m making progress on my job hunt. Fighting!