OpenAI Codex

Today marks the release of Open AI’s new product, Codex. Its a brilliant piece of software that greatly reduces the overhead of “boring code”. I applied for a beta key as soon as I could and hope to hear back soon. Here are some details about my beta application and what I envision Codex + GPT-3 are able to complete together.

My Plans

As you may know I’ve been trying to build a DnD campaign, so seeing codex made me want to try an AI driven campaign. I plan to leverage GPT-3 for DM suggestions, and codex to allow users to real time update their character positions and call ability checks. My goal is to turn the campaign into a browser based game, filled with the excitement of having players have the freedom to interact with literaly anything. This is where GPT-3 comes in, if a player does something unplanned simply hit up GPT-3 and describe the scenario, then ask for 1-3 suggestions and pick one or make your own. Use the suggestion as the way to format code.

Codex AI Campaign Flow

  • DM recreates world using the descriptions in DM binder and images for NPCs, buildings, and maps.
  • DM opens up webserver to share with the players (For me I’m just going to port forward since it’s a private campaign)
  • New players add their character as an image file. Handles all formats but converts to render as svg and stores it into firebase.
  • Player either uses text to move or keyboard/mouse similar to a choose your own adventure style.
  • Players interact with the environment which sends it over to a subset of Codex to animate. Note: Accessing a subset of Codex must have limited permissions. i.e cannot spawn items; only control movement of owned character and perform ability checks.
  • Perform GPT-3 Query to suggest what happens next based on the Causation of the interaction (cost of 1.5c per ~2048 token max)
  • Send result to Codex and have it update all user’s states (maybe using Firebase for each character).
  • Save/Load feature, upon quitting add a user/pass to attach the character for easy snapshots of state to continue after a long session.

Codex Challenge

Open AI is releasing the Codex Challenge this Thursday (08/12) at 10 AM PST. At first glace, it looks like contestants will be solving interview questions by pair programming with Codex. With the programmer as a source of guidance and Codex as the code encyclopedia of the internet I’m excited to test out how it will all integrate together.