Backend Software Engineer

Backend Software Engineer for SuppCheck

A mobile application to look up ingredients of various fitness supplements and products. Developed during CruzHacks 2020.

SuppCheck was founded on January 17, as a 48 hour hackathon project It is designed as a iOS and Android application for analyzing fitness supplements that go into your body.

The application functions by capturing an image of the ingredients from a product label and then checking which are healthy and which are not. It is configured to support 30,000 different chemical compounds and detect errors in the image processing layer.

How it works

Take a photo of the ingredients label.

Searches the label to identify

  • Chemical Compounds
  • Organic ingredients

Queries for benefit data of chemicals

The purpose for writing queries was to help users determine their purpose in the supplement.


  • Ingredient is healthy for the heart and treatment of …
  • Ingredient is known to cause diabetes or cancer and increase risk of …

Reach for features

  • Alergens
  • Dieting
  • User Accounts


Google Cloud Vision Firebase Microsoft Azure Flask Android Studios Flutter Git

Winner: Won two awards

  • Second Place in Health Hack category
  • Runner-up for Best Use of Google Cloud

After the Hackathon

We were invited by SCWorks to present our application

We applied to the Monterey Bay Startup Challenge to bring this idea to the next level, seeking funding, investments, and financial advisors. Unfortunately we weren’t able to secure funding and halted production on March 2020 to focus more on our studies.


As of June 19, 2020 we slowly picked this back up as a hobby to bring it back as a mobile app. Check us out on Github!


Project Ended at Stage 2.