Mobile Flutter developer

Tetanggaku, meaning “My Neighbor” in Indonesian, is a non-profit organization aimed at reducing the impact of the pandemic (and future disasters) by swiftly establishing a network for non-profits to connect with people to request services and generate documents for bookeeping purposes.


I first heard about the project from my friend David and start at around August 1st. I work closely with the development team based in PST and SGT (Singapore). Everyone on the team dedicates work as a part-time so we don’t get burned out and keep it holy to us. Its a non-profit meaning theres no salary and its just because we want to. With that being said there is accounatability with delivering products and making sure we follow out roadmap.



David is from the business side and has a great background in finance. He is one of the founders and scouts around for people like me that are interested in joining the team. The business team handles things like marketing, audits and compliance.


I work on the development team, working with Pratt, a PM in Singapore. Every week we meet up at 8 AM on Saturday to discuss progress, roadmaps, and demo what we’ve done. For now, all the code is done on Dart (Flutter) and my contibution has been towards the chat system and profile page. Our tech stack uses Firebase for serverless datastorage and as part of onboarding I learned how to do auth in Firebase and read from Firestores in Flutter as well as connect microphone and camera inputs or ask for permissions on iOS and Android. Aside from that, I learned how to perform localizations for multiple languages, which made it feel like we have an international impact.


The design team is two people, they create designs on Figma that share it with the development team. They’ve done amazing work towards it and have inspired me to learn Figma.


That’s it so far. It’s in progress and we are about 60-80% done (depending on bugs) and David has told me he has contacted a couple organizations in Indonesia who are willing to run our product once we finish the MVP.