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Posts about my personal growth through life events.

Post Amazon Plans

Jul 7, 2023

My time at Amazon is a valuable experience that I cherish greatly. As my contract reached it’s peak limit of 11 months, I had prepared to say goodbye to my...

Why I became a technical writer

May 17, 2023

Story of how I became a technical writer, and future growth plans. Why did I switch to Technical Writing? I’ve been asked this in nearly every interview, but never had...

A time for friends

Nov 13, 2021

November approaches Thanksgiving, and I’m thankful for many things. This week I’ll write about how I’m thankful for friends. School Friends I was the quiet one at school, so I...

First week of writing

Sep 11, 2021

The week went by pretty quickly. I realize I need to take better care of my health. It started Friday and I had stomache pains, some possibilities would be the...

Farewell RREES Labs

Jul 30, 2021

Today marks my final day at RREES Labs. I’ve been at the Lab for 20 months, which is almost 2 years now. During my time there I was able to...

Personality Part Two

Jul 27, 2021

Yesterday, I took the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator personality test and got a strange result. I ended as an INTP-T, but with a 1% border between being an INTJ and INTP....

Personality Part One

Jul 27, 2021

Today I took the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator personality test and got a strange result. I ended as an INTP-T, but with a 1% border between being an INTP and INTJ....